Twin Tin Bots free to play web version now available.

Press release - Brussels 18 mar 2014 - for immediate release

Twin Tin Bots free to play web version now available.


Flatlined Games, with the kind help from Boite à Jeux and Board Game Arena is proud to announce the immediate availability of Twin Tin Bots as a free to play online web game on both platforms!

Twin Tin Bots is a robot programming game, by Philippe Keyaerts, who is well known amongst gamers for his previous successes : Vinci, Evo, Olympos, and of course the SmallWorld series.

In Twin Tin Bots, each player programs two robots to harvest crystals. The available orders are simple (forward, turn, harvest, unload, ...) but there are two robots to control with three program slots each, and only one order can be changed each turn! Furthermore, the other player's robots are after the same crystals, and will push your robots, or might even rob crystals from them.

The availability of the game on both platforms offers you choice between the turn-based play on Boite à Jeux or the real time play on Board Game Arena. Come forth and discover the joys of robot programming and crystal harvesting!


Flatlined Games

Flatlined Games is a publisher of quality board games based in Brussels, Belgium.

We target niche markets in the boardgames market, and address these niches globally with multilingual editions. We also market games targeted at a much broader public, which will be available trough the regular distribution market.

You can check out our games catalog here :

Board Game Arena

Board game Arena is a online board games website started in early 2011 by Gregory Isabelli and Emmanuel Colin, which allows web-play of board games in real time from your web browser with opponents from anywhere in the world.

BGA focuses on ease of use and high fidelity to the original games, and now offers over 300.000 plays each month, 22 languages, and has become the first community boardgames web site.

Board Game Arena offers today 56 games, from well known publishers such as Hans im Glück (Stone Age, Hawaï), Kosmos (Kahuna, Dragonheart), Rio Grande Games (Race for the Galaxy), Amigo (6 nimmt!), Ravensburger (Puerto Rico), Ystari Games (Caylus, Amyitis), Libellud (Seasons), Abacusspiele (Coloretto), Pearl Games (Troyes, Tournay), …

Being a community site, BGA is free to use both for players and publishers wishing their games to become available online. BGA has an internal team of over fifty volunteer programmers and over 200 volunteer translators and moderators. This community allows the site to be available to a wide audience and guarantees that adaptations are made only by passionate gamers.

BGA is a free service, financed by donations from users (club Board Game Arena). These sponsors get little perks such as access to enhanced statistics.


Boite à Jeux

Founded by Frédéric Meurrens (fredm) in 2003, who was joined by Johan Koïtka (diplojak) in 2011 to further the website development, offers web versions of games such as Agricola, the Castles of burgundy or Trajan to its members.

As of today, our 35 000 members have played over 2 million games, and that number rises daily. is a 'turn by turn' website, meaning you don't need to sit for a whole session and can play your turn whenever you want. Games can last for a few minutes of be played over a couple months according to the players' availability, which allows for numerous games being played concurrently!

As of today, we offer 43 games, in a wide range of styles : eurogames, abstract, family games such as Dixit , … The site is family friendly and friendly competitions are held all year long.

BAJ is available in french, English and German, meaning you can play opponents from the whole world, on any device (tablets account for a quarter of our website traffic).

All our games are free to play, and since Diplojak now works full-time on our programming we offer a premium subscription allowing an unlimited number of simultaneous games, early access to new titles, and lots of small extras such as email notifications.

Our website is a service to gamers and publishers alike, to help them establish a game further than just the initial release. For this reason we make our web versions for free. This starts with either a request from the publisher (Several games such as myrmes were made available online simultaneously with the game official release) or with a request from our team.

The choice of titles is dictated by our personal taste and our gamer's, based on how they liked previous games released. Another criteria being of course the adequation between the game mechanics and web-play (things like long auctions do not work well in turn-based play.)